Our Friends of Fyling Hall, nee PTA, are discussing future events and getting some dates in the diary. Having recently held their AGM, our new chair provides an update.
My name is Ann Louise I wanted to introduce myself I have recently been voted as chair of the Fyling Hall School PTA. I have 4 children in Fyling Hall 2 in the senior school and 2 in the junior school. I have a brilliant vice chair Beth, a super efficient secretary Denise, and our longstanding trusty treasurer Florian. We also have an army of helpful parents and I think we make a great team. Our main aim is to raise funds to provide luxury items/events/experiences to enrich our Children’s life at the school. If you want to get involved more the merrier please look out for meeting dates and times and just come along.
First thing that is such an easy way to raise money without any extra cost to yourselves is to register with https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk. this site is a link to online retailers such as Amazon, John Lewis, Argos and Ebay to name but a few!! Once you have registered if you can choose Fyling Hall School PTA as your designated cause. Then if you click through from this site to any of the 100’s of e-tailers a percentage will automatically go to the School’s PTA! How easy is that?
We are delighted to announce that ‘Chocolate Bingo’ is back, prior to Covid this was a really fab fun event which involved a bake off competition and of course lots of chocolate prizes the kids thoroughly enjoyed it. Please SAVE THE DATE Wednesday 30th March 2022! 5.30pm more details to follow.
Our next meeting is Monday 21st February, 7.30pm at Arch and Abbey on Skinner Street it should be a fun one putting ideas forward, hatching plans and no formalities on this occasion. All welcome even if you don’t want a ‘job’ just come along and meet other parents.
Thanks again for all your support. Hope you have a great half term.
Ann Louise Roswald, Chair