What an afternoon! Fyling Hall School’s fourth annual Rose Garden Music Festival was true to form. Even a bit of rain did not stop us dancing!!
Eliza Carthy charismatically opened the Festival and did not disappoint. Her fascinating and adventurous performance was just what the home crowd expected of this Fyling Hall alumna.
Next it was the turn of Whiby-based Phil Martin. Performing with an outfit of musicians also known as ‘The NightJars’ their harmony vocals were beautiful!!
What a delight to welcome back Ubunye! With their mix of jazz, Isigqi – traditional Zulu music – and Afro-pop, they really got the crowd going before local band, Back in the Habit, closed the Festival. How fitting as the majority of the members are Fyling Hall staff!
Funds raised by the picnicking crowd are still being counted. We wish to thank all for attending, with an extra thank you to those who accepted Candlelighters’ invitation to #PinkitUp. We are proud to play a small part in raising awareness for the support Candlelights bring to affected by childhood cancer. The afternoon was certainly more than rose-tinted!