On Thursday afternoon year 6 pupils attended Crucial Crew 2015 at the Army Reserve Centre in Scarborough. Crucial Crew is a multi-agency event and during their visit the pupils attended a carousel of workshops covering different aspects of personal safety including; internet safety, fire risks within the home and road safety. It was a packed and very enjoyable afternoon, and the pupils came away with lots of great advice about how to keep themselves safe when faced with a wide variety of different scenarios. We would like to thank Alan Bruce for coordinating the event, the Brunswick Shopping Centre for sponsoring the event and Mrs Locker and Miss Slater for driving the minibus and accompanying us.

Mrs Richardson

 “I really enjoyed the fire part because there was smoke coming through a door and smoke alarms.” – Olivia Coates

 “I loved the scene that the police set up where the girl stole a Playstation because I like thinking on my feet. I didn’t quite know what to do but now I do.” – Elfie Field

 “I now know that I need to use a broom to brush the gas out of our caravan if the gas bottle leaks.” – Mrs Richardson

 “The best workshop was run by the police because someone got arrested.” – Josh Martyn-Johns

Crucial Crew 3

Crucial Crew 1

Crucial Crew