Miss Johnson reflects on last term’s Y7 & Y8 Music Lessons at Fyling Hall …
The Year 7s had a busy term creating their first over single. The topic was nature, so the pupils started the term by setting off into the Rose Garden to see what they could see, hear and smell. Once we had spent some time gaining inspiration, we headed back to the music room to start writing some lyrical ideas. The pupils learnt how to play the four chords of Pop, which we used for our song and then started trying to write melodic ideas that best fitted the lyrics we had made. We even decided to add some Spanish and German lyrics to the song, with help from our fabulous Spanish and German classmates. Once the song was fully written, we headed into the studio to recorded the piano part, the guitar part, the string part, the clarinet solo and the vocals. Everyone in 7P played a big role in the creating and recording of this single, it was a joint effort and the Year 7’s should be really proud. Once we finished recording the song, we designed the front cover based on a series of drawings from every member in the class. This was then turned into a proper CD, which was given to parents and family members for Christmas. Well done 7P you created a fabulous first single!
The Year 8s spent their term thinking about what they are thankful for at Fyling Hall and turning that thanks into a song. Both Year 8 classes (8E and 8J) wrote a Fyling Hall Anthem, celebrating the school and recorded it to take home to families. They started the term thinking about what needs to be included in an anthem and spent some time walking around the school to gain inspiration for their song. They worked really hard to write the lyrics, the chords, create a melody and recorded their instrumental/vocal parts in the studio. The end products were fantastic and something that both classes should be proud of. I hope all the parents who received their CD enjoyed listening to their child’s hard work and deception.
A big thank you to Year 9s whose focus was on Christmas songs!