On Saturday the First team played against Ampleforth’s third team. Despite a few worries about team members getting into school due to Goth weekend everyone got here fine. The weather was freezing and jumpers were not allowed so everyone was very cold to start with. The match began well and then Sharron made a brilliant save with her bum that stopped the other team from getting into our D. This was just the start of the injuries that our team received in this match. The injuries then began to roll in: I got his in the knee, Sharron got hit in the leg so hard that it left a perfectly formed ball shaped bruise in her thigh, I then ran into the goalie and face planted. The next injury was in the in second half where Sophia got hit in the hand.

Despite these injuries we all played well and the opposition only scored one goal in the first half. Then as soon as half term came the clouds opened and hail fell from the sky. This was particularly painful due to our bodies all being numb due to the cold.  After this everyone played brilliantly! We even scored a goal! This match overall showed some brilliant defending,  in particular the short corner defending. Amy did very well considering it was her first match in goal. Due to lack of number we had to rely on members of the lower school to play in first team. Sophia, in year 10, and Jimena, in year 8, did especially well and really assisted the team.

                By Isabella Clements (Year 12)