At this special time of year it is always exciting to spend time celebrating with our Chinese and Korean students, exploring the traditions of the Lunar New Year and observing some of them ourselves. The multi-cultural blend of our classrooms is always a joy, but at a time of celebration it is even more exciting to share together. 

Happy Lunar New Year 2020

In previous years we have given assemblies on Korean traditions, performed a play explaining the story of the Chinese zodiac, given out red packets filled with sweets and cooked up traditional delicacies in the kitchen. 

This year with so many of our pupils scattered around the world, the festival will be a quieter one in school. We will still be celebrating with our Chinese and Korean students, exploring the traditions of the Lunar New Year and observing some of them ourselves. We wish all of our Chinese and Korean families a happy new year wherever you are celebrating this year. We look forward to welcoming all the pupils back into school soon and sharing in their good health and success into 2021.

Although you may not be a rat or a pig, why not try Mrs English’s New Year Quiz?