by Miss Havelock
We may have only been back at school for a week, but it has been all systems go since Monday. This half-term is a short one with lots to fit in so there’s no time to waste!
In year 7, my English class have been focusing on getting to grips with poetry. They studied Shakespeare’s sonnets last term and recited a beautiful version of sonnet 18 in the Rose Garden. This half-term we are looking at variety of different poems, from Emily Dickinson to Simon Armitage, and studying them in preparation for the annual Daisy Hardy poetry competition in a few weeks. The class have been looking at poetic terminology too – try quizzing one of them on what enjambment means!
Elsewhere in English in English, we’re writing speeches, revising for our end of term tests, and working on stories in the junior school. Around school there is definitely an atmosphere of industriousness and determination. It’s really pleasing to see how seriously all the students are taking their exams, even though they might not be doing GCSEs or A Levels just yet.
We have three more busy weeks of school before we get to the enrichment week and then the end of term – as I said, it’s a busy term but a very exciting one!