Year 12 student, Phoebe, is leading the Eco-Schools bid and updates us on Fyling Hall School’s Eco-Club initiatives and progress;
The Eco-Club has three main goals for this year:
- to improve amount of recycling in the school,
- to increase biodiversity in the school by making our own eco-garden and
- to raise money for the World Land Trust.
Last term the students have been crafting a variety of products that could be sold at our stall at the Christmas Fayre. They made homemade candles and birdfeeders as well as bee bombs which were all sold at the store. Of course, there were also many of our 3D figures and keyrings for sale. These were designd by the Eco-Club and made on the 3D printer from eco-friendly corn filament.
Overall, the Christmas fair was a great success for the Eco-Club. We were able to raise the target £100. This will allow us to buy a patch of Northen Swahili coastal forest. Buying this will help ensure this areas future and that of the community which live off it. We also raised additional money to invest into future projects in school, such as buying a variety of bee friendly flowers for our new garden.
I would like to thank the members of the Eco-Club who helped to run the stall. I would also like to thank all our customers who have allowed us to achieve our goal. Thank you for your support.
New Recycling Project – Eco-Club- Fyling Hall School
This term the Eco-Club is moving onto the next project: Recycling. I hope to introduce Terracycle into Fyling Hall. The first step we will take is making and labelling boxes. These will be used to create recycling points around the school. It will include recycling for pens, glue sticks, crisp and sweet packets, etc.
Once the boxes are made, we will introduce the system in an upcoming assembly which will hopefully get the whole school involved.
We are looking forward to continuing our work to make Fyling Hall School a more eco-positive environment and providing you with more updates in the coming months.
Contact us if you would like to learn more about Fyling Hall School’s Eco-Club or extra-curricular activities.
For those that are interested in joining our friendly and dynamic school as a day student or boarder please contact the office to arrange a visit, tour or online meeting.