Starting school is a huge change for 4-year-olds so at Fyling Hall we try to make the transition in early years as easy as possible. Our new pupils have settled into the new routine and quickly become part of our friendly community. We are led by the needs of each child and work closely with parents to make sure that their children settle happily into their new class. Stay and Play days are the perfect way for children and parents alike to see what we do and meet other pupils and Junior School staff, in the academic year before the children start school. Parents can always see what their children are up to via our emails or Junior School instagram page.
What are Early Years like at Fyling Hall?
Class sizes are small, never more than 12 in Form 1, so we really do get to know the children well. Learning through play is an important part of their Early years education and we use their interests to inform our planning so that the children engage in their learning. We have fun! We try to embed the school motto in everything we do- “the days that make us happy, make us wise.”……Happy children learn.
Forest school is a wonderful way for the children to get to know the other pupils and do activities together in our glorious woodland. They learn to be safe in that environment, climbing trees, toasting marshmallows, building dens, woodland walks and land art. We go every Friday afternoon, whatever the weather- there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!
The pupils also swim every week, have French and Music lessons and enjoy whole school assemblies. Being part of a school for ages 4 to 18 means they can enjoy using senior school facilities like the sports hall too.
We want every child to be the best they can be and thoroughly enjoy their time at school.
Here are what some of our current parents say:
We were so happy with our son’s experience at nursery that we were a little apprehensive about his transition to school. We needn’t have worried! All the things he loved doing at nursery carried on: lots of time spent outdoors, plenty of running around (he absolutely loves Friday forest school!), time to explore his own interests without being rushed…all in a small, supportive environment where he is valued as an individual. It’s also excellent to have access to specialist teachers at such a young age eg for Games, Swimming, French, Music and Singing. He’s definitely got his eye on horse riding when he’s a bit bigger too! We are so pleased with how he’s doing and would definitely recommend the junior school to others making their EYFS decisions soon.
We will be holding a STAY AND PLAY on 10th November a whole school OPEN DAY on 2nd November. Tell your friends and if you are not part of our school community please register to attend by contacting See you there!