Recently we performed our drama pieces from this term to other classes, parents and some friends. Pupils from year 7-9 show off their hard work in drama lessons.

Year 7, who performed first, prepared a piece about being good friends and friendship. Year 8 tackled some difficult issues such as feeling depressed. Our piece was really sad so it was good to have it in the middle of the evening. Year 9’s piece was about imaginary friends. Their performance uased some more difficult drama techniques. It was really realistic and they made it funny too, when Leon got slapped for example. Alvaro in Year 9 said ‘I liked it in the performance, how they acted. It was good acting and the real action was excellent.’

‘I liked wathcing the performances, it made me happy’ said Chemin.

Kayleigh was worried that Olivia in Year 7 was going to throw her chair into the audience during her piece. ‘She was a realy good performer’

Well done to all the performers, some of whom had never been on stage before. They all did themselves proud. Special thanks to Toby Bortoft and Gerard Hill in Year 8 who ran the sound and lighting for the performances, completing their task very professionally. Well done everyone!

Miss Rowland