To say that we are delighted you are back is an understatement.  We could not be more pleased to welcome our students back to Fyling Hall.  There is nothing like the sound of children’s laughter at break, nor their inquisitive voices in the classrooms. Of course, we have maintained regular contact with our students, but it was never going to be the same.

Strict guidelines are in place to ensure the school community remains safe and pupils are prevented from having to spend further time at home. This is the focus of our Headmaster, Mr Allen. Mr Allen recently advised parents,

supporting testing and the use of a face mask when it is not possible to social distance inside will put us in a stronger position to achieve these aims.”

Whilst we are thrilled to welcome our students back, we also appreciate that children have experienced a tumultuous time over the last few months. Many will be overjoyed to be returning back to school to see their friends but, for some, this could be an anxious time as they have become used to being around parents or carers, every day, at home. We remain committed to the emotional wellbeing of our student and are doing our utmost to ensure that this is a smooth transition.  To support you at home, you may wish to refer to this recent support provided by Compass Buzz.

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As Mr Allen further advised parents,

the staff and pupils have done an amazing job under difficult circumstances for the last two months supplemented by your patience, perseverance and support. All of your efforts, understanding and continued support have been greatly appreciated by everyone at Fyling Hall.” 

We truly are delighted you are back!