The Big Sleepover (for Day Students and Boarders)
Who doesn’t love a sleep-over with their friends? Boarding means you spend time with your classmates together each evening, sharing friendship, developing independance and living as a community. At Fyling Hall School we wanted our day pupils to have a taste of this. Last term we held the popular year 9 sleepover! Day pupils spent the night experiencing the life of the boarders and having fun with their friends.
After school there was an evening of laser-tag at mini-monsterz, followed by pizza and a movie. Rather than returning home the day students slept in the boarding house at school. Perhaps everyone stayed up a bit later than they would on a regular school night, and the following morning day and boarding pupils had a quiet breakfast together before school.
We asked our year 9’s what they enjoyed about the experience;
“Laser-tag was good” said Sienna and Luca agreed that “Mini-Monsterz was fun”. Monty thought “the pizza and chips were so good” and Alina felt “The film was good.” whilst Talluleh enjoyed “our mini-disco in the common room”. Izzy mentioned “doing make-overs at 3am” so no-wonder there were some tired people in the morning.
As well as being a whole lot of fun these sleepovers are a great way for Fyling Hall boarders and day pupils to spend time together outside of lessons and school time. The shared experiences strengthen relationships and we all learn from one another.
More sleepovers are coming up so please save the dates! They are open to all day pupils in the year group.
Year 7 – 25th Jan
Year 10 – 1st Feb
Year 8 – 8th Feb
Students join Fyling Hall as a day student or boarder – with weekly, termly and occaisonal boarding options. Unlike many schools, most of the weekend activities are open to both boarders and day pupils.
A quiet and somewhat subdued breakfast after a lot of excitement and a bit of a late night in the boarding houses!