Continuing our plan to enable Y11 students to make the best possible decisions about their future, Dr Richardson, Deputy Head, Academics and Ms Mitchell, Head of Sixth Form spoke with our Year 11 students about future options. It was also an opportunity the students to raise any queries they may have.

“We felt is important to speak directly with our current Year 11s about their options for next year.  Of course, we very much hope that they intend to continue their education at Fyling Hall, but also wish to ensure that they make an informed decision,” Dr Richardson commented.

By providing our Year 11 students with as much information as possible, our hope is that students will discuss their plans with their parents over the holiday break. This follows the distribution of our updated Sixth Form information booklet and Sixth Form Insights, courtesy of our current Sixth Formers.

Continuing our plan to enable our Y11 students, we welcome parents to what will hopefully, be a face to face meeting on Tuesday, 19th January at 6pm. Primarily targeted at parents in Y9 and above, we will give greater insight into Sixth Form including the key decision making factors when choosing and which Sixth Form is right for your child. If a face to face meeting with staff and fellow parents is not possible, attendees are invited to an on-line session. Students are also welcome if parents feel it is appropriate.