In an effort to raise money for the Covid 19 research at Barts Health, local musicians, including our very own Head of Music have released a charity single. Miss Johnson joined up with musicians from all around the Whitby and Bay Area including her Dad and most of her Back in the Habit Band. 

The single has been in the making since lock down started and was set up by local musician, Phil Moore. Miss Johnson got involved with the project through Paul Whittaker (Whitby & FHS guitar tutor and in Back in the Habit bandmate) and Phil. Paul and Phil reached out to local musicians who recorded what they could or wanted. Would you believe that most of what you see was done on phones? Not everyone has a recording studio at home 😉 Having submitted their pieces, a lovely man called Simon edited the final product.

As Miss Johnson explains,

It was great to be involved in this project and great fun to sing with other musicians whilst in lock down. It’s for a great charity that has received nearly 9,000 views on Facebook since Friday night. It’s also recently been uploaded to YouTube and received another 600 views. £836 raised so far for the charity £564 left to achieve the goal of £1400. It was also mastered by quite a famous producer and bass player (Jennifer Maidman), who has worked with artists like Boy George, The Proclaimers, Joan Armatrading etc.

If anyone can help support this fantastic cause and fancies a bit of a cheer up, please take a look.