This week’s ceramics exhibition featured art from across the senior school. The art department was filled with beautiful pieces which students and parents could view on Wednesday afternoon. Art students have worked hard and demonstrated their amazing creativity in ceramics throughout the term and the exhibition marked the culmination of these themes of work.
Each year group had a different theme and focus, allowing them to develop their skills in ceramics and express themselves. Fyling Hall offers ceramics as a regular part of the art curriculum throughout the school, and year 12 and 13 students can choose to specialise by taking Ceramics A-Level. (We also offer Fine Art and Photography).
Themes for Ceramics Work
Year 7 worked on man made textured tiles inspired by Jim Dine drawings. In year 8 students worked on masks inspired by Day of the Dead. Gargoyles on a cylinder were created by year 9 and year 10 created sculptures inspired by natural forms. Aimee Raine in year 12 is developing sculptures in clay inspired by smooth, soft textures.
Please enjoy looking at the amazing work here.

Junior School Ceramics
Our junior school students from the youngest up have also loved working with clay and ceramics in their art lessons this term. It is something the whole school can enjoy and benefit from. Even our youngest class got involved and produced some lovely pots.