On Tuesday 8th October, the year 10s and a group of sixth former ventured on the path towards their future careers. The day was spent at Harrogate Showground to try and gain insight into what pupils may wish to do as a career. It was also an introduction to the work experience that they will undertake in March next year. There were many Careers 3representatives from different training providers, colleges and universities, professional companies and Armed Forces. These included solicitors, medical providers, veterinary practices, agricultural professionals, skilled craftsmen and, my favourite, the Chocolate Factory. Each provided information on what would be involved, the three main skills needed and how to go about starting your career pathway. Many of these also gave demonstrations, with some interactive tasks for the pupils to have a go.  Making pizza was of course the most popular.

With ideas that were probably not even considered before, and lots of information, the group came back with a lot more than just their bag of freebies!Careers 1 Careers 4Careers 2