With boarders soon returning to Fyling Hall, our Head Matron, Miss Anders, is busy preparing for their return and shares her thoughts . . .
Hello my lovely Fyling Hallers, firstly I would like to say that I hope that you have all had a fabulous summer holiday!
The start of the term will soon be underway and I am excited to see you all and your wonderful smiley faces, I have missed you all very much ?So myself and Mr Mayne will be back slightly earlier to look after some of our returning boarders, I hope you are as excited as me!
As a lot of you may know being situated in a National Park in the glorious Yorkshire Moors you couldn’t be in a safer place. Surrounded by our very own woodland and just a walk away from the historic coast of Robin Hood’s Bay what more could you want. We are nestled amongst nature at its finest. I truly can’t express how excited I am to see my second family. If any of you lovely parents have any questions or would like more information about boarding life at Fyling Hall, please just pop me an email e.anders@fylinghall.org
Over the weeks I will be sure to keep you all updated as to what we get up to. Sending much Love, Miss A xxx