Auditions. The one day that can make or break your chance of getting into university for a drama based subject. For most, when auditioning for university they all expect the same thing from you. You should work well in a group, perform your monologue confidently (which is a lot harder than you would think, trust me) and be confident enough to try and do anything they ask of you. So what to expect on the day? Having done auditions at five separate universities and drama schools I want to pass on my advice and experience to you.

My first audition was for Drama, Theatre and Applied Performance at Newman University in Birmingham. When I arrived, there was only one other girl there waiting, they were individual interviews. For most this is preferred, however, being around people and making friends on the day helps you relax and be calmer when performing (at least, that is what I have found). The interview was very relaxed and was over within 15 minutes.

My next audition was for Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (CSSD), where I have applied for Drama Applied Theatre and Education. Here I had to prepare two sides of written work and an object which is important to me. We had to discuss our object and why it was important to us, except I couldn’t think of an idea for an object so I took something and lied about it! Only to discover that the next task was to tell a lie!  

Some interviews I have been on are informal. A chat with a tutor or professor and the chance to talk about the course. My interview at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David was like this and I didn’t need to prepare anything.

The interview I have been most nervous about was at the Liverpool Institute of the Performing Arts (LIPA). I had attended a workshop day here last year with Ms Johnson and Mrs Jeeves on our Cultural trip to Liverpool and loved the course and the atmosphere. My interview here was a full day of workshops with other candidates, a debate over freedom, a devised performance piece and a building tour. I also had to prepare a monologue about a current news article and chose to write about a female MP Tracy Brabin, who was shamed online after her dress slipped off her shoulder during a Brexit debate. I thought this piece was quite controversial and that there was a lot I could say about it. 

In general I think my auditions have gone really well, and I have received 3 offers for courses. Now the hard work of achieving the grades I need to attend university is my real focus. 

Sophie Asprey, Year 13

auditions - Sophie took part in various workshops during latest cultural trip