Over 180 people turned out at our Rose Garden Music Festival to watch 6 acts perform in the glorious sunshine! Everything was organised by Olivia from portaloos to staging, booking the acts to arranging BBQ and cake. We are so incredibly proud of everything Olivia has done this year to raise money for her chosen charities.
The end of term is always hectic: final assemblies, activities week and saying goodbye to those visitors who are not returning. But for the last few years we have not been able to celebrate in the Rose Garden for our annual music festival and when Mrs Swain announced her pregnancy it seemed that the festival would have to be cancelled for another year. Until Head Girl, Olivia, stepped up to the plate. She was determined that the festival should take place this year. And what a huge success she has made of it!
Olivia gave some thank yous on Saturday but wanted to pass on her thanks to everyone here too:
Thank you so much to everyone who attended the Rose Garden Music Festival this weekend. We managed to raise nearly £3000 which will make our grand total for the year £5000. All funds will go to Neoangels, Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary supporters, and some funds towards the art department at Fyling Hall School.
I want to say a huge thank you to all the acts that played: Lola-Rose Wilson, Jonathan Jeeves, Beau Taylor and Alfie Green, Steve Johnson and The Dukes of Jazz and Sunbeam; you were all brilliant.
Thank you so much to Paul Whittaker, Simon Williams and Fin for the sound as the festival couldn’t have gone ahead without you. Especially thank you for arriving early and leaving late to complete the set up and take down of all the electrical equipment.
A huge thank you to STORM Scaffolding for building the amazing stage for all our acts to perform on.
I have received lots of guidance from Helena Swain, Lizzie Jeeves and Cathy Hornung . . . thank you for your support.
Radfords Butchers supplied the meat for the BBQ, we really appreciated it and thank you to my family including Marcus Coates, Paul Storr and Paul Dunford for cooking and selling food all day. Thank you Leanne Dunford Coates and Ailsa Campbell for baking and selling cakes, tea and coffee all day.
Thank you to all the teachers and Sixth Formers at Fyling Hall who helped set up the event and all the volunteers on the day.
Thank you for all the support.
Lizzie Jeeves, Head of Drama and English as a Second Language