Achieving the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award during a pandemic is not the easiest thing to do. However, a good number of Fyling Hall pupils managed to achieve their Bronze or Silver Award (or have been working hard toward the Gold Award!) over the past year. The fact that so many classes such as dance and instrumental lessons have successfully (and temporarily) moved online has been a great help, but mostly, the DofE badge is a symbol for our young people’s continuous self-motivation. Read Olivia’s account of her journey towards the Bronze Award.
Regine Trotter, Duke of Edinburgh Manager
As part of my D of E I had to do volunteering, physical and a skill. For my volunteering I did Zooniverse which included me counting penguins, working out what were galaxies and stars. Zooniverse is helping important scientific research and it was fun. For my skill I did piano which I did in my music lesson. Then for my physical I did ballet in which I improved my flexibility and adage. For each one you must do an hour each week, overall, it was a great experience, and I learnt a lot. Now for my Silver D of E I am doing piano for my skill, ballet for my physical and helping in the Junior School for my volunteering. D of E is an amazing experience and I totally recommend it. My experience has been great, and I am enjoying every part of it. It is a great thing to have on your CV and it looks great for your future employers. I especially like the volunteering part because I feel like I am making a difference to the world. I hope this inspires many more people to do D of E.
Olivia, Year 10