Last week, form three went on a trip to Whitby with Miss Gilmour to survey shops. Miss Gilmour also went on a trip with her year 13 students to study rivers . Also this week, year five and six enjoyed two days of Bikeability. Under 15s rounders and cricket teams went to Redhouse. As the sun was shining, people enjoyed relaxing in the sun and playing cricket in the stackyard. D of E students went on a days walk to pratice for their expedition.

The midgie eater in the Rose garden is now back up and running. Mr Husband got it working again just in time for the concert and summer performances. Joe Husband travelled to Harrogate to compete in the North Yorkshire Cricket trials – he suceeded and has been invited to join the North Yorkshire Cricket Team . The WiFi has been down, much to the students dismay. Heroically, the BT men came late Thursday afternoon and fixed the tragic issue.

Carolina Clements and Jenna Coleman (Year 9)