As we continue our Christmas celebrations, Fyling Hall students have prepared a short collection of readings and poetry recitals; from the loquaciously descriptive Christmas of Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ to my favourite Christmas story: the truly wonderful and nostalgic Welsh village of Dylan Thomas’ A Child’s Christmas in Wales’ our students take us on a journey through Christmas through the centuries and across Europe that also take in the likes of Wordsworth and Rilke.

As we reflect on what has undoubtedly been a very unusual year, some of our year 8 English scholars have been experimenting on finding their own poetical voices as they express their thoughts and feelings about 2020 and I would like to thank them most sincerely for sharing their own struggles and worries about this year and for sharing with us some of the difficulties they’ve experienced and, perhaps, lending us a touch of optimism as they look ahead to 2021.

Thank you very much for listening to a short collection of readings and poetry recitals.

Diolch yn fawr pawb ych chi.

Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda

Mr Chris Thomas, Head of English