A ride on the beach. . . . this was Mariette’s dream. “Because of restrictions, she’s not had the chance to (ride Gracie on the beach).  She helps me on the yard at weekends, so this was her treat,” remarked Fyling Hall’s Riding Mistress, Coleen.

Joining Fyling Hall’s Year 9 for the Autumn Term, Mariette has certainly made the most of her short stay.  She has joined in with all activities, stayed over the half term and had a great time. Head Matron, Miss Anders added,

Mariette has had a fantastic time at Fyling Hall.  She would love to stay longer but must return to Germany to continue her education.  She has made friends for life here, and I know that she will miss them when she goes. 

We wish Mariette all the best with her future education and are so pleased that she was able to fulfil her dream of a ride on the beach.