Last half-term saw the entire Junior School transformed to Fyling Hall School of Magic and it was just that, truly magical. It was a wonderful, creative experience for all the pupils and something they will remember for years to come. The term began with the sorting hat placing everyone in their Harry Potter house and ended with a visit from Whitby Falconers. The falconers brought their magical owls and reptiles into school so that the pupils could meet and learn about them.

We made magic wands in forest school, flew on broomsticks and even played Quidditch in the sports hall. Everyone created and made potions, experimenting with different recipes and learning about mixtures and solutions as they went. The more it fizzed the more they liked it. Pupil’s saw magical things in the senior school science labs- learning about metals and observing how different metals change the colour of the flames, creating patterns with chromatography and burning magic ink.

The children had a blast making dragon’s eggs and created some mythical, magical creatures. We learnt to identify instruments and to play the beautiful Harry Potter theme music on various instruments.

We brought maths to life with various hands-on and magic themed lessons, such as our mini-cauldrons when the children sorted and counted different coloured pom-poms and learnt house names and magical words in French.

No Magic School would be complete without a TriWizard Tournament! During Fyling Hall’s tournament, mime, drawing and hangman skills were thoroughly tested and Gryffindor emerged as the victors.

With all of these magical memories we’re moving forward through another half-term of exciting learning with new topics. Form 1 are thoroughly enjoying their Light & Dark topic which will even include a games lesson in the dark!

“The days that make us happy make us wise.”

STEM activities Science Practical Experiment Junior School
Junior School, magic school, harry potter, wands, forest school

If you’d like to know more about the Junior School curriculum or daily life or our amazing Forest School then please get in touch.

We invite those who are not yet part of the Fyling Hall community to book a visit or come along to our Stay and Play or Open Day.