A Focus on GCSEs proudly returns to Fyling Hall School. It is that time of year to think ahead to you or your child’s GCSE choices.  Whilst many of the subjects are already chosen for your child, you and they have the task of choosing four more subjects.  But what and how to choose? 

Fortunately, you do not need to choose on the basis of a fixed timetable. As a small school we alter our timetable to suit you.  In fact, we change our GCSE option blocks on a yearly basis.  Why?  To accommodate the interests and strengths of our current pupils, giving you the widest range of options.

To help guide you, we invite you to A Focus on GCSEs.  Dr. Richardson, Deputy Head (Academic), will guide you through the subject options, help you understand the process of allocating subjects to options blocks and clarify your role in this process.  He will also identify the constraints which can arise. 

A Focus on GCSEs - classroom insight

The session will close with the opportunity to meet with teaching staff who will  address any specific queries you may have as relate to the content of each subject and your child’s suitability.

Held on Thursday, 19th March (16.30-18.00), this informative session also gives you the opportunity to meet with fellow parents.  Whilst the focus of this session is our current parents and pupils, it is open to all parents and appropriately aged students including those not currently attending FHS.  Should you know anyone else who would benefit, please do bring them along.

To confirm your place, please contact the school office on office@fylinghall.org.

We look forward to seeing you at A Focus on GCSEs!