Our Rose Garden Music Festival is a fantastic afternoon of live music with local bands, in the glorious setting of Fyling Hall’s Rose Garden. After two years without it, I am super excited that this Festival is going to happen again this year. For those who haven’t attend this festival before, it’sIt is usually on a Saturday afternoon between 2-5 and welcomes audience members from all over. The profits all go to a chosen charity, and it is usually a fantastic afternoon of sun, food, music and dancing (although dancing in the rain has been known to happen).
This would not be possible, without the driving force that is our Head Girl, Olivia. As many of you may know, I am currently in the countdown to going off on maternity leave for the year. At the end of this half term (fingers crossed I make it that far), I will be saying goodbye to our lovely school and hopefully spending 2 weeks nesting before our little baby boy arrives. Due to being pregnant and leaving imminently, I was not able to plan and run the Rose Garden myself, as I will probably have a 2 week old baby when it happens. This is where the fantastic Olivia has stepped in and decided that she didn’t want for us to miss out on another year. This is part of Olivia’s plan to raise £5,000 for her chosen charities Neoangels, Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary and Fyling Hall School. I am sure it will be an absolutely fantastic afternoon of live music with local bands, and I am hopeful I will be able to attend with my newborn. Now I will pass on to Olivia, to explain more about the event.
Helena Swain, Head of Music
As Mrs Swain mentioned previously, the money raised will go towards my aim to raise £5000 to be split between three different causes. Funds will be going towards Neoangels, a charity which helps support babies and families at James Cook and North Tees hospitals. Further funds will be sent to Whitby Wildlife to help them care for sick and injured animals in the local area, and a final donations will help buy a kiln for our art department, adding creative value by giving pupils the experience to work in 3-dimensional discipline.
Having attended the Rose Garden Concert in the past I know what a brilliant afternoon it is where people and families from all over attend to listen to live music, have good food, all whilst being in the spectacular Rose Garden at Fyling Hall School. After having such a crazy last few years I’m looking forward to unwinding and listening to the amazing acts we have lined up this year.
In no particular order, the first act we have lined up is Sunbeam, local musicians making their Rose Garden debut. We are thrilled they are able to fit us into their busy schedule and are looking forward to their high energy set.
Former Fyling Hall Music student Lola Wilson is our second performer. After spending time away at dance college Lola is returning to share her musical talents with us all. Lola performed at a Rose Garden performance with her talented family a few years ago and we can’t wait to see her again.
The third act is Jonathan and Paul who are both part of ‘Back in the Habit’ and will both be performing a scaled down acoustic version of their original set and other songs. Both gents have a link to the school, Paul is our amazing guitar teacher and technical wizard; Jonathan is married to Mrs Jeeves, Head of Drama.
We are so excited to be able to open our wonderful Rose Garden to you all again. Tickets are on sale now £10 for adults and £5 for under 16s. Doors open on 2nd July at 1.30pm, tickets available now from the school office (01947 880353 or office@fylinghall.org) or in person at Fyling Hall.