School starts like any other, happy to see friends, hoping we haven’t left anything on the bus and pleased to see our teacher’s warm smile. We now have four form groups where we quickly register before heading to assembly. During assembly we listen to stories, sing hymns and have group discussions on weekly topics. Mr Allan has started taking an assembly once a week which is a nice treat.
English lessons are a favourite of many children in the Junior School. Lessons always start in a calming way with reading a variety of books to Mrs Watson, a partner, in a group or individually. Today we are looking at the legend of King Arthur. We worked in groups to become the main characters of the legend and put a performance on for the rest of the class. We all enjoyed rehearsing and watching the others perform. We then continued our writing on the legend of King Arthur concentrating on individual writing targets to write the best we can.
After all that hard work it is time for a break. It is nice to play with our friends in all the different year groups. Milk and fruit is perfect morning snack.
Next we head off for our Maths lesson. We learn lots of different strategies for adding and subtracting. We start with some mental maths by playing the ‘nasty game’ using a dice to play around with numbers. Then we start our book maths and work individually to solve a variety of maths sums.
We are all ready for lunch and a break after using our brains so much!
Chicken fajitas is a popular choice, yummy.
One of the best times of the week …Art! Where we can really be creative and practice many skills. Today we sketched beautiful flowers which linked with our science topic. Haeun is really good at drawing flowers!
Time to get out of our uniform, in to some warm clothes, and get ready for Forest School.
Today it is very muddy so we stay out of the forest and head up the track towards to Mill. We have a mission to find various winter things as we walk, or piggy back, all together. It is so nice to be out in the fresh air even when it is raining! We always see the horses coming back from a ride and today they have stopped so we can give them a stroke!
A quick change out of the wellies (thank goodness our teacher are good at tidying up!) and pick our bags up for home time.
We get home, do our prep and look forward to another exciting day tomorrow.
By Amelia Kelly, (Y5) Isabella Watson and Isla Cook (Y4)