This new academic year has seen a bumper crop of fantastic year 7 students and I have been absolutely delighted with the work they have been producing in English. This term we are reading Suzanne Collins’ Dystopic epic ‘The Hunger Games’ which, as well as providing the basis for some stimulating class discussion on various ethical and societal points, has given us a glimpse into the world of Dystopian fiction and some wonderful creative writing opportunities! 

We have also been looking at the ways in which a writer can create atmosphere, tone, and tension as well as the processes involved in establishing good characters and I have a feeling we will have more than a couple of great writers on our hands in no time at all. 

A bumper crop of fantastic year 7 students

In the last of the wonderful weather of this term, we took our copies of ‘Hunger Games’ out to the Rose Garden for some class reading; I have to say though, there is something a little bizarre about trying to immerse oneself in the tragically brutal and harsh life of the world of ‘Panem’ when surrounded by this idyllic landscape of boundless beauty! 

And finally, there is a Rotary Club literary competition on the horizon. Our bumper crop of fantastic year 7 students have been invited to contribute their own stories up to 550 words or their own poems on the theme of ‘Environment’ and we have been hard at work discussing different interpretations of the theme, coming up with ideas, planning, and writing our own contributions. The deadline for this is Friday 5th November and I will be sending off all of our submissions in the first week back after the half term break. This is a competition that has gripped students throughout the school and I will keep you updated with any news as soon as it comes in. 

Chris Thomas, Head of English