On Thursday and Friday, students from Years 5 and 6 took part in the Bikeability cycling proficiency programme, which aims to teach children how to ride a bike safely. We were taught how to check our bikes before getting on them and how to use the gears. We also learned how to move around obstacles safely, how to turn left and right at junctions and how to use the Highway Code.

After practising these skills on the school playground, we ventured out into Fylingthorpe to ride on roads with real traffic, including cars, vans, caravans and lorries. We were lucky to enjoy two days of lovely weather, and all of the pupils who took part passed the course with flying colours, earning their Bikeability badges and certificates.

We would like to say a big thank you to Mandy Lees for organising the programme for us, and to Alan and John, our very patient Bikeability trainers, for two great days.

Mrs Richardson
